Plants-effective Treatment for Chickenpox

Plants-effective treatment for chicken pox is widely sought-after as there are various plants used for home-made recipes for the treatment of chickenpox. I have carried out ethnobotanical survey as regards the plants used for the treatment of chicken pox in… Continue Reading…

Herbal Skin Treatment – Common Plants

It would easily interest you to know that every plant has one medicinal purpose or the other. This includes the most common plants which we refer to as weed. In this article, we will be discussing herbal skin treatment –… Continue Reading…


The African Black soap wonders!!! I so much love this soap, the feel and lathering capacity is awesome. Soap is an essential cleansing material needed by every family for cleansing. It is produced by saponification or basic hydrolysis reaction of the… Continue Reading…


Onion is an herbaceous plant with the botanical name – Allium cepa. The plant belongs to the family Liliaceae and it IS popularly known for its edible bulb. Onions are amongst the world’s most cultivated plants. They originated from southwestern… Continue Reading…

Coconut Milk Beauty Virtues/ Skin, Face and Hair Care

Asides from the use of coconut milk in cooking, there are numerous coconut milk beauty virtues. Coconut milk is a soft to touch creamy – whitish liquid. It is not actually milk, it is only called milk due to its… Continue Reading…

Managing Dirt Behind Your Ear Lobe/ Prevention And Cure

The ear is one part of the body which is constantly denied attention and care. People cannot see this area of their bodies, they therefore easily forget to clean it often, leading to the presence of dirt which can cause… Continue Reading…

Cosmetic Benefits of Aloe vera

Aloe vera is an evergreen perennial plant which originates from the Arabian Peninsula. It grows in tropical, semi-tropical and arid climates of the world. The genus Aloe contains over 500 species of succulent plants, occurring naturally in North Africa. For… Continue Reading…

Skin Purging, A Good Thing For Your Skin

I hear questions like ʽHow can skin purging be a good thing for my skin?ʼ Skin purging is actually a good thing for your skin. This is such an interesting topic for me. To think that a good number of… Continue Reading…

Shower Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Skin

It’s not a new thing knowing the average individual showers for at least twice a day. We see having a shower as an important act in personal hygiene and it seems so easy and enjoyable you may get carried away… Continue Reading…